Explore The Lydiard Archives for free, and share your memories of Lydiard Park and the Parish of Lydiard Tregoze. Donations towards your home-made afternoon tea are much appreciated.
If you have family connections with Lydiard Park and the parish of Lydiard Tregoze this is a chance to share your memories and explore The Lydiard Archives with Friends of Lydiard Park Chair Sarah Finch-Crisp and local historian and fellow trustee, Frances Bevan.
For over fifty years The Friends of Lydiard Park have been gathering and compiling the memories and stories of people who grew up in and around Lydiard Park, creating a fascinating history of the life of the village. We regularly fill every seat in the hall for Cakes and Tales and we hope to again this year.
Since last year’s event we have collected more historic photographs and stories and thanks to our volunteers transcribed numerous local wills. We thought this certificate, awarded to Florence Newth for attending a course at the County Itinerant Butter School was a real find!