Exploring Archaeology at Lydiard Park – A Walking Tour with Professional Archaeologist Chris Ellis

Date: 9th August, 2025

Time: 10:30 am

Venue: Lydiard Park, Meet outside front of House

Discover the fascinating archaeology unearthed by Chris and his team from Wessex Archaeology in 2004-5, including traces of a Roman Villa and a boathouse


On sale via We Got Tickets.

Members £6 plus booking fee.

Non-members £10 plus booking fee.

Under 16’s £6 plus booking fee.

BMW Volunteers excavating near the lake, 2005

Back by popular demand, we are excited to welcome Chris Ellis to return and conduct another fascinating Archaeology Walking Tour of Lydiard Park.

In 2004-5 Swindon Council commissioned Wessex Archaeology to investigate key areas of Lydiard Park in order to inform a major £5 million restoration of the historic landscape. Chris directed the team which excavated in the Walled Garden and slip garden, the lost lake and ruined dam wall, medieval park pale and the site of the ‘new’ carpark north of the church.

Chris Ellis has over 30 years’ experience as a professional archaeologist in the commercial archaeology sector, having worked for a number of companies including, for most of his career, spells as a Senior Project Officer at Wessex Archaeology and for the last 10 years with Cotswold Archaeology.  He has excavated in Austria, Belgium, the Sahara and many times in Egypt which is his ‘burning passion’.  He has directed excavations of all periods from the Palaeolithic to post-medieval Industrial and Garden Archaeology.  He has always been passionate about community engagement and participation in archaeology, which led to his directing the archaeological investigations at Lydiard Park, which involved over 1000 local people including school pupils and young families.

Please wear suitable walking shoes.  Refreshments are available at the Coach House Café.  Numbers are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.