With October, autumn comes to the park. The very dry summer has led to the leaves turning early and falling sooner. The...
September is a time of change in nature. Daylight hours are growing shorter and the weather starts to cool, signalling to...
June 5th is World Environment Day. It is a time for us to appreciate the environment we live in and to protect our natural...
The peaceful parkland at Lydiard is the perfect place to enjoy autumn, to walk on a misty morning or a windy afternoon, to...
It’s high summer and time to enjoy the colours and scents of the season! The long, warm evenings are the perfect time for...
There’s no better time to get out and about and enjoy nature than in June when the days are at their longest (the Summer...
If you go down to the woods today – or to wooded parts of Lydiard Park – there are two wild flowers you may well find....
This month in nature we are indebted to the team who look after the Lydiard Park gardens for allowing us to share the work...