There is plenty to see when you are out and about in Lydiard Park in the winter. Look out for the early snowdrop shoots breaking the ground with the first signs of spring. They normally flower between January and March, starting with the first green tips and ending in a glorious carpet of white on the lawns and beneath the trees.
Of course, if it snows, there will be a completely different carpet of white to enjoy! The first few months of the year have seen snow at Lydiard in the recent past. When you go out, not only can you see the human footprints and dog pawprints in the park, but a multitude of other visitors – deer, fox, squirrel and birds of all sorts!
With the trees bare of leaves it’s time to admire their mossy coats. There are over 400 types of mosses and lichens found in our local area; the north facing trunks of trees are their perfect habitat as they provide the damp conditions needed, but you can also find moss deep in the crevices of the roots where they provide a home to tiny organisms that are too small for us to see!